ASTHK, Saints And Spiritual Warfare

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom and instruction, and understanding. So freely I was blessed with knowledge, and free will I give to my people. I was told by a friend, what’s the point of me knowing the things that I know, and being in possession of so many books that explains our beginning, our downfall, and our future according to truth, and not feed those who hunger for the Spirit of Truth. Yeshua taught the disciples the two great commandments, so for the love of Yah in truth and for the love of my people, I give my Brothers and Sisters that which I want also for myself. We love our Israelite brothers and sisters in America and abroad, but we do not subscribe to the 12 tribes of Israel sign or the belief that Esau represents the entire white race. It is inaccurate to portray the physical appearance of ancient Israel and Israelites today using the 12 tribes of Israel sign found on streets throughout America. This sign is used by Israelites. Israelite is a nationality, and Hebrew is a language. Only a few Esau descendants remain. Their power in this world was given to some Gentiles. Although Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk are considered rich Gentiles, there are some who secretly hold more wealth than the richest white people in the America. There can be no confusion. A lie is the opposite of the truth. The truth will make you free.

Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Yeshua said unto him, Thou shalt love Yahwah thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor(Israelite Brothers and Sisters) as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets

ASTHK Logo and Aim?

ASTHK is a spiritual and educational movement for black people(FBA: Foundational Black Americans) trying to understand their relationship with Abba Yahwah Yisrael (The God of Israel) and their Israelite ancestors. ASTHK is the acronym for Activate Saints Through Heritage Knowledge. Activate means to turn on in Hebrew. Activating the spirit of Yah means awakening its presence. A person’s spirit is not easily detectable, especially when it has been ignored throughout their lifetime. It is important to know the difference between an unclean ruach and a holy ruach. Saints are descendants of the Children of Israel who have passed from this earthly realm to the spiritual realm. Yah sanctify 10,000 ancestors, for they perished during the 40 year journey through the wilderness. And he said, “The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand (went) a fiery law for them.” This number could be greater than 10,000. The word “saint” is derived from a Greek verb (hagiazo [aJgiavzw]) whose basic meaning is “to set apart, ” “sanctify, ” or “make holy.” Heritage means possession or inheritance from a Hebrew perspective. Taking possession of our spiritual inheritance is our duty as descendants of the ancient Children of Israel. Among other things, heritage is what links us to our Elohim Yah, to our land, to our Israelite names, to our nationality, and to our traditions. It is our mission to get back in touch with our ancient Israelite spiritual heritage. The Hebrew word for knowledge simply means to know. Knowledge is power, but only if it is understood, and it also needs to be applied properly for it to work. The key point to keep in mind is that we are a spiritual people who have forgotten the old ancient ways of spiritual warfare and worship. Yah is Spirit, and the All Knowing Omnipotent Yah. “The true worshippers, will worship the Father in “Spirit” and in “Truth.” Through the Holy Spirit and Saints, we focus on tapping into our spiritual strength and restoring our relationship with Yahwah. It is up to each individual as to how far they are willing to go to achieve new spiritual heights in their lives.

The logo: what does it mean? A new logo has been created for the ASTHK, which represents royalty, protection, spirituality/spiritualism, the laws, and blessings. The four stars represent royalty, the stolen colors of red, white, blue and purple, which are the colors that once belonged to the ancient Israelites, and you can find references to these colors throughout the scriptures. Additionally, the four colors represent the four corners of the earth where the twelve tribes of Israel were scattered. The United Snakes of America are the ones who stole our ancestors’ color and corrupted it on the American flag, which is now a symbol of oppression, injustice, and mental slavery on the heads of my people. Amongst the practitioners who worship Orishas or call upon Saints in South America and Puerto Rico today, you find that these colors are very prominent amongst those who call on Orishas or pay homage to Saints. It is possible that the names Oya and Yemaya are Hebrew names originating from Northeast Africa (so-called Middle East). During the thousands of years that the Israelites were scattered into Africa, especially West Africa after fleeing Roman persecution in 70 AD, an Israelite historian stated that the Israelites took with them customs that were assimilated into the West African tribes with which they settled. There is no doubt that the slaves who ended up in South America, Latin America, and Central America brought with them spiritual traditions that could be found in West Africa. When the Shofar is blown during the high holy days, the sound of the Shofar is an instrument of spirituality. In other words, it’s a way to invoke the Israelite Saints or the LORD of Hosts(Yah Tzebaoth) to assist you. The laws of the Torah are what govern your life and give you instructions for how to live it, and you should not confuse them with the lesser laws of mankind. At the top of the A in ASTHK, you can see that Levite priests are holding their hands and fingers in this way to give a blessing to the Children of Israel. It’s an ancient priestly Levite practice. The sword and firearm behind the shield are symbols of protection and war. This brings to mind our ancestor King David. King David was not only a fearless Israelite king by right of his birth, but was also a great marksman who defeated Goliath. On the battlefield, King David was an obedient and superior warrior. Goliath is America who spills the innocent blood of my people. On the one hand, know your scriptures, but keep your firearm to protect yourself and your family. Police officers and civilians have no right to kill anyone, especially the innocent. Self-defense is a good thing to know in 2022 and beyond. We cannot forget Tamir Rice, Treyvon Martin, Emitt Till, Eric Gardner, Philando Castille, Michael Brown, Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, the real Dr. King, Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, Korryn Gaines, Ahmaud Aubery, and so many others. During these times of personal and family safety, we believe in exercising our right to legally keep and bear arms in accordance with the second amendment. Those rights should not be infringed upon by any government at any time. As members of ASTHK and Foundational Black Americans, we believe in balancing the physical and spiritual realms. With that being said, we stand by the first and second amendment rights. Shields of war are tools of protection that are used in war. All of the elements of the logo are built around that shield of war and protection that makes up the logo.

ASTHK provides a variety of spiritual tools to help you in your personal spiritual and mental growth process. It is vital to understand how to integrate and activate the three most important spiritual forces to your spiritual development: Yahwah (Yah for short), Yeshua HaMashiach (the mediator and anointed Messiah), and the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Qadosh). Anyone who tells you that true spirituality or spiritualism is an easy subject to grasp or a simple path to follow is lying, delusional, and a reprobate. The following warning is intended for those seeking the path of the Saints through Yahwah (the Holy Spirit). It is prohibited to use the holy and sacred name for any type of personal ritual such as magic, witchcraft, sorcery, etc.

Regardless of whether you call yourself an FBA, Israelite, etc., it doesn’t matter. In the United States of America, we are at war every waking hour of the day. War is, in the realm of spirits, an act of killing the flesh, or damning the soul, depending on the order in which it takes place. We do not place our trust or faith in the DOJ, U.S. Supreme Court, DNC or Republican party. Our faith is in The God of Israel, and His power to move our people at the grassroots level to bring about change. Racism is not promoted by us. We promote the truth. Racism is prejudice plus power, as the late Dr. Khalid Muhammad said. In America, FBA does not hold any influential political position of power that can deny anyone their basic human rights. Those black people who do have some political influence and power are nothing but mouthpieces for white supremacy and play their part in preserving white supremacy. As a result, the only motivation that those individuals have is money, a promotion, securing the black vote, and ignoring reparations, the punishment of the police, as well as a hate crime bill for FBA. ASTHK is committed to exposing and fighting racism and white supremacy. Stay alert and keep Yah’s Spirits close.

Spiritual Warfare: the Devils and Saints

The Holy Spirit (Hebrew: רוח הקודש, Ruach ha-Qadosh) refers to the divine force, quality, and influence of Yah over the universe or over Yah’s creation and creatures.
The understanding of the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite for the activation of the armies of heaven. These armies represent the active force that has been/shall be placed under the direct command of the anointed of Yahwah. One has to be very circumspect in calling upon spirits, for there is no room for error. Evil spirits are also actively supporting the forces of evil. If someone calls upon a spirit that is active on behalf of Satan, there is a strong possibility that all the works of his hands shall be destroyed and neither shall his name ever be inscribed in the Book of Life. The same warning goes for any misuse of Yahwah’s holy name for you will be held not guiltless under the laws.

The story of King Saul and the witch of Endor and Saul ordered the witch to call up the prophet Samuel violated Yahwah’s commandment. Ultimately, King Saul would have been more successful if he sought advice from a Levite Priest, Seer, or Prophet of Israel. As a result of breaking the commandments of Yahwah, King Saul paid an extremely steep price. Our spiritual strength is derived from the Holy Spirit. If we do not know how to use this force of tremendous and endless power then all of our efforts will be in vain. There is no such thing as a spiritual shortcut to the Creator, and some people have taken such shortcuts. If you use the wrong formulae, you can be assured that spiritual damnation is imminent and irreversible.

When observing black people from the outside, it’s easy to perceive only flesh, without knowing the spirits that are hidden behind the bodies. David Byrne produced a spiritual documentary called ILE’ AIYE’, meaning The House of Life. This documentary is about the region of Candomblé Bahia in Brazil in 1989. You have to understand slavery before America if you want to understand black people. Some of the tribes black people were taken from and shipped to North, South, and Central America, as well as to the West Indies were the Igbo, Mandingo, Ashanti, Ewe, and Yoruba. From the shores of West Africa, the black descendants of chattel slavery brought spiritualism to the Americas. Did you know this is what made America one of the most powerful and richest countries in the world? The fact that America stole God’s Jewels (black people) was known even by Hitler. The original chosen people of God Almighty are now in America. Why did America steal the red, white, blue, gold, and purple colors you see on the flag and worn by politicians? Did you know those same colors appear in the Bible?

If you have ever been to a spiritual ceremony performed by Afro-South Americans, then you understand the shared connection with the descendants of slavery in America. Look at the colors I mentioned, the similarities in ceremonial dancing and drumming, and the Hebrew names of the Orishas, such as Oya, and Yemaya. Trans-Atlantic slave trade brought these names from West Africa. There is a strong possibility that these names are among some of the lost names of the Israelite Saints. In Puerto Rico, saint worship is known as Santeria. In Haiti, it’s known as voodoo. It reminds me of the film The Serpent and the Rainbow. The scene involved one of the practitioners becoming possessed by a very strong spirit, giving him the strength of a modern day Samson. The strength he possessed enabled him to throw a man into the air like a basketball with his bare hands. The slaves who entered North America also brought with them a similar spiritual culture. Though I have illustrated the spiritual and cultural ties with the descendants of chattel slavery, my main focus is on the Israelite Saints because they are associated with Yah and spiritual warfare.

The biggest question that is always asked when mentioning spiritual warfare is who is Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, etc. The original Hebrew term śāṭān (Hebrew: שָׂטָן) is a generic noun meaning “accuser” or “adversary”, which is used throughout the Hebrew Bible to refer to ordinary human adversaries, as well as a specific supernatural entity. The word is derived from a verb meaning primarily “to obstruct, oppose”. All three are titles that represent a malevolent force that roams the earth. It controls governments, nations, finances, and religious institutions. The sons and daughters of Lucifer are profoundly immoral and wicked. They are your government officials, heads of big oil and gas corporations, the popes of Rome, owners of banks, owners of sports teams and music entertainment, filming industry, heads of major churches, media moguls and personalities, food corporations, pharmaceutical corporations, etc. As of now there’s no denying the fact that the European Gentiles aka white supremacist with their socio-economic power influence the entire earth from the headquarters known in scriptures as the mystery Babylon(America).

White supremacy is a diabolical system of oppression, racism, injustice and genocide. It murders black people while giving the appearance of fairness and equality. No such thing as hell after death and a red devil with a pitchfork. The devils are in the flesh walking the earth and carry in their very DNA the draconian codes of evil, deception, murder, extermination, and lawlessness. This is why the more you know about self and understand the past the better you will be armed to fight off these known and unknown forces on earth. Taken from an Oxford journal called Satan, God’s Executioner, “After surveying the uses of the noun שָׂטָן(devil) and the verb שָׂטַן(accuser) in the Hebrew Scriptures, this article argues that these words never denote “accusation” in this literature but refer exclusively to physical “attack.” This article further contends that in legal contexts the noun שָׂטָן can refer specifically to an “executioner” and that “the Executioner” is the proper understanding of השַָּׂטָן(the devil) in Zechariah and Job. So that malevolent spirit/force is constantly waging spiritual warfare against the descendants of the Children of Israel, and the executioners on earth are the European families.

We are at war! I’m not referring to the war against the Middle East, but a great cosmic spiritual war that has been raging for thousands of years. The stakes are very high. The battle is for the life, the mind, the soul and the destiny of each human being. The enemy is very dangerous. Samael(Lucifer) and his fallen angels are fighting to destroy every human being, by keeping us alienated from Yahwah Elyon the Source of Life and Blessings. His aim is to prevent us from being reconciled to Yah. Conversely, the Yah of Hosts, with His mighty angels, is fighting for His people(the Children of Israel) to be restored to Himself and to share eternal life and the Kingdom to Come on earth. He has made the way possible, by sending HaMashiach Yeshua to take upon Himself the punishment for our sins against Him. Everything that occurs in the visible, physical world is directly connected to a war being waged in the invisible, spiritual world. Many of us feel held down by anger, hate, envy, murder, discord, fear and the list goes on and many other areas of life. But the overarching, primary foes behind all these outcomes is the spiritual Samael and the physical devils. Quote Ephesians, spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12

Psalm 144:1
King James Version
144 Blessed be Yah my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

Psalm 121:7-8
7 Yahwah will keep you from all evil;
he will keep your life.
8 Yahwah will keep
your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.

Psalm 118:8
8 It is better to take refuge in the Yahwah
than to trust in man.

Deuteronomy 28
28:1 “And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Yahwah your Elohim, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Yahwah your Elohim will set you high above all the nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you,

Romans 8:31
31 What then shall we say to these things? If Yah is for us, who can be against us?

Spirits of Israelite Saints

The following excerpt explains one of the many ways we can identify Saints “There are a few words that represent the word “Saint” in the Bible. In Hebrew, the words קדש (Qodesh; means holiness, holy one, or saint) and חסיד (Chasiyd; means faithful, godly, Saint, etc.) are both used several times in the Old Testament and the Greek word ἅγιος (Hagios; means the most holy thing and saint) is used once in the New Testament in Matthew 27:52. There could be more Hebrew words that represent saint, but the Greek side of the Bible only says it once. This being said, the words that mean saint also/actually mean holy, holy one, or godly.”

According to Israelite author Elder Shadrock, the Saints are from the Children of Israel, the ones who couldn’t cross into the promised land during the Exodus out of Egypt into the wilderness for 40 years. There were many Israelites that perished during the 40 years journey, and they are ones who became Saints, for Yah sanctify them, and wrote a fiery law for them. They are the ones who continue to do Yahwah’s bidding after passing from this world into the spiritual realms. No one communicates directly to Yahwah except the angels who were appointed for this position. When we call on Yahwah, Yah sends the messengers or saints to aid us in this earthly realm, so Christian pastors stop lying to the congregation. White Christianity is a liar and promoted the doctrine that some God speaks to mankind, even in his lowly and ungodly state of existence: and black Christian pastors adopted this doctrine of deception.

Revelation 14:12-20
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yah, and the faith of HaMashiach Yeshua

Revelation 13:10:

He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints(the Children of Israel).

And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death. And he said, The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them” (Deuteronomy 33:1-2).1

Jude 13-15
21st Century King James Version
13 raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, “Behold, the Yah cometh with ten thousand of His saints

Our Saints don’t include Catholicism worship or Christianity.  King Saul called on Samuel but in violation of Yah’s commandment(no witches, sorcery). Moses and the Prophets of Israel are all Saints and holy spirits in the heavenly realms. One important fact about Saints is that they come from the original twelve tribes of Israel, making it impossible for them to be Christians, Muslims, or Jewish.

The Israelite armies were led out to war by a special Cohen (priest), known as the Mashiach milchamah (the one anointed for war), who was designated for this task. He would encourage the soldiers to fight bravely, telling them that Yah was surely on their side. The keyword in this paragraph is Anointed for many prophets of ancient Israel were anointed messengers/servants of Yahwah, and the same goes for Kings who ruled over the Children of Israel. King Saul and the prophet Samuel were examples of wise kings who kept a prophet around them. The anointing was in the title of HaMashiach, and not in his name. Messiah represents the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. Yeshua represents the name and body of a person. There are people on this earth who carry Yeshua’s name or are called Jesus or HaZeus but it means absolutely nothing without the anointing of the Holy Spirit of Yahwah Elyon(Most High). The Prophet Jeremiah clearly understood the power of the heavenly hosts through Yahwah’s command to aid the Children of Israel in battle. Nothing is impossible once the power of Yahwah is activated within you and around you. Black people are chasing peanuts while the enemies continue to watch and await before their next big move against the forgotten Israelites.

Jeremiah 51:20
King James Version
20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee(the Children of Israel) will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;

I always pray that one day, we will shout out these words in victory YAH Khab-al O-yabe Mil-Khaw-maw(translation Yah fight our enemies in battle or war).

Author: Zechariyah 

3 replies on “ASTHK, Saints And Spiritual Warfare”

Do a breakdown concerning how black people use the term blackballed or being blackmailed. When in reality it might be some white people,white owners doing it.
So instead of saying blackballed or blackmailed.
A black people need’s to start describing who is really doing the extortion.

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